RoboCraft Challenge: Mastering Vex Robotics & Mission Mastery (Grades 3-5)

  Summer 24 Wk1 RoboCraft Challenge: Mastering Vex R
  6/3/2024 - 6/6/2024
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  Rough Hollow Elementary
  Candace Wagar

Registration is now closed


RoboCraft Challenge: Mastering Vex Robotics & Mission Mastery (Grades 3-5)   9:00am-12:00 pm                                                                                             

"RoboCraft Challenge: Vex Robotics & Mission Mastery" is an action-packed summer course where kids dive into Vex robotics, building, and programming robots. After mastering their creations, teams face off in thrilling missions, competing for points by completing strategic tasks. It's an adrenaline-filled journey where innovation, teamwork, and engineering brilliance lead to victory in the ultimate robotics showdown!


Instructor: Candace Wagar                                                                    Fee: $150.00  (includes $10 supply fee)

Location: Rough Hollow Elementary                                                       Max: 12

What to Wear: close toe shoes, comfortable clothes                            What to Bring: nut-free snack & water