Mad Science Explorations (Grades K-5)
Mo, Tu, We, Th
# Instructor Adriana Hagan, Mad Science of Austin

Please register based on the grade level completed for the 2024-2025 school year. (Example: Current 6th graders will register for 6th grade camps)

Summer Camp Online Registration will be open on Monday, March 3, 2025. Regular registration runs through May 4. After that date, a $35 late fee is added to the tuition listed if you register during the Late Registration Window (May 5-16).  NO REFUNDS AFTER May 16th, 2025.


1. Click on a camp week below

2.  Look on the LEFT SIDE of the screen to see all the camps for that week listed

3. Click on the desired camp on the left margin and then on the underlined camp name in the top center of the screen.

4. Select "Click HERE to Register for This Camp".


Happy Camp Shopping!


Please register based on the grade level completed on June 1, 2025. To enroll in a Pre-K camp, students must be at least 5 by Sept. 1, 2025.

Summer Camp Online Registration ends May 4th, 2025.  Late Registration is from May 5th - 16th, 2025. There is a $35 late fee during this late registration period.